Membership Prayer 2020

Prayer for the 100th Year Anniversary of the Catholic Women’s League in the Hamilton Diocese


We, sisters in Christ,
members of The Catholic Women’s League,
Come to you today to praise You
and give honour to your Holy Name.

Filled with the wonder of Your presence within us,
together we celebrate One Hundred Years
of our organization in Canada.

We give thanks
for the joyful ways You have graced us
in our mission of Faith, Service and Social Justice.

Called to be your disciples in the world today,
we acknowledge your guidance
as we seek your Holy Will in all we do.

We are a community of love,
compassion, inclusion and generosity.
Bless us as we journey with the less fortunate,
as we pledge to be stewards of your Creation,
as we pray for the Holy Church and each other.

Our Lady of Good Counsel, lead us to Jesus, our brother.
We ask this in Jesus’ name.  Amen.

Written by Olga Protz
Holy Rosary, Guelph

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